In The News: Love's fresh fruit, veggies a hit with Customers & media

Posted July 9, 2015
Love's fresh to go fruit and veggies

If you hadn't noticed on our social channels, fresh fruit and veggie options for Love's customers are a big deal. Drivers want fresh food choices that don't pack on the pounds.

And the media have taken notice!

The Lodi News-Sentinel wrote this week about sliced melon, pineapple and strawberries, cups of broccoli and more being offered at Love's 538 on Thornton Road in Lodi.

As we've told reporters, it's pretty amazing to think that Love's Travel Stops is selling more fresh fruit and vegetables nationwide each month than we sell Bud Light, 16-ounce Monster energy drinks or Reese's peanut butter cups.

And we loved this headline from The Journal Record out of Oklahoma City: "Bananas over Bud Light: Convenience stores see surge for fresh foods."

Initially, we hoped to make people more aware of our offerings in honor of National Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Month. However, we stopped in our tracks when we gathered data that showed us selling more fruit and veggies each month than:

  • Bud Light
  • 16 oz. cups of coffee
  • 16 oz. Monster energy drinks
  • Reese's peanut butter cups
  • 20 oz. bottles of Coke
  • 3.5 oz bags of Cheetos
  • 1/2 pound bags of Love's beef jerky

As Joey Lawrence would have said 25 years ago, "Whoa!" Yes, we just made a Joey Lawrence reference.

Alas, it's not just the media world that has picked up on our efforts to provide fresh fruit and veggies to our customers at 350 Love's locations nationwide. Our customers show us quite a bit of love on social, such as Brett Jonas (@booksquirt) did on Twitter this week:

We love treats, too, just like the next person! But we also love the option to choose fresh fruit and veggies as well. If you agree with us, tweet us at @LovesTravelStop with a pic of your Fresh To Go or Veggies To Go cups.